Setting and Achieving Goals
We all have dreams in life, and most realize that in order to achieve those dreams, we must set goals, a road map, and a time frame to get them. This reality isn’t just true for grown-ups; it’s true for children as well. The dictionary defines a goal as an “observable and measurable end result with one or more objectives to be achieved within a fixed time frame.” It is a known fact that children with specific goals to achieve fare much better in life than their direction-less counterparts. Setting goals for children allows them to think, plan, and take action in order to earn a positive change or reward. They will understand the importance of patience, hard work, and experience the pure satisfaction of seeing the fruits of their labor. Since children are basically beginners in this area, the focus should lie on the process rather than the result.
Values of goal-setting
Setting goals for your children helps them focus on the task at hand. Since children can be easily distracted, it is necessary to set small goals for them that are achievable. The intention here is to keep them focused. Motivation is also important in goal setting and children will lose interest in their goals if it not relevant to them. Motivation in the form of small rewards can be great when it comes to getting your child to achieve his or her goals, but the focus must be on completing the task and not just the reward. Fixing goals for your children in multiple areas allows them to explore their strengths and interests, and simultaneously trains them to be well rounded individuals.
Setting goals for your children allows them to develop self-confidence. Every time your children achieve a set goal, it gives them the reassuring knowledge and trust that they are capable of doing things. It gives them a sense of control and boosts their self-esteem.
Goal-setting with karate
Allowing your children to participate in goal-oriented activities is an excellent way to teach them the importance and value of the so-called “master skill of success.” Like most martial arts, karate is built on the idea of self-improvement through practice. It is an activity that is centered on the idea of goal-setting, and requires high levels of discipline to learn. There are various stages through which to progress when learning karate (proficiency in certain moves or skill sets, symbolized by advancing rank and belt color). The requirements will teach your child to be patient and focused, a noble and possible goal for young people and adults as well.